Over the Edge

Over the Edge – The Science Show

Negativland – Mark Hosler, Peter Conheim, Tim Maloney, Jon leidecker, Don A group of cohorts large enough to be called Negativland join me for an improvised discussion of Science. Peter Diddle, Harold Camping, Wick Milford, and Brindle Spork take on all scientific questions and Receptacle callers without a scientific plan or scientific qualifications to do … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – 5 hour Universe pt 54 What About 60s pt R-2 Another UFO

5 hours of UFO sightings and encounters described by witnesses and investigators, many from the 60’s, including pioneer investigator Jacques Vallee giving a historical overview of the sighting phenomenon throughout history back to antiquity, interspersed with saucer songs, saucer philosophy, and mass media’s approach to the subject. Due to Izzy Isn’t’s extreme aggravation with phone … Continued