Making Contact

Making Contact – December 8, 2006

Since the passing of the Patriot Act, many things have changed in the U.S., and not necessarily for the better. On this edition, we look at Bush Administration policies that many contend undermine basic human rights and civil liberties. Has the War on Terror become a War on Freedom? How much should we give up … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – November 24, 2006

This week on Making Contact, we profile three courageous women elders: Australia’s Dr. Helen Caldicott, the premier spokesperson for the worldwide anti-nuclear movement; Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America; and Mairead Corrigan Maguire, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for organizing a non-violence movement in Northern Ireland.

Making Contact

Making Contact – November 17, 2006

"We act as if there is one definition of good end of life care. And I would argue there is no one definition. In the end, it¹s going to be many definitions." In the American health care system, "good end-of-life care" often supports the white middle-class, but people of diverse religions, languages and races often … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – November 10, 2006

Americans can¹t afford health care. In the last four years, the cost has increased more than 70 percent. Right now, more than 46 million people don¹t have health insurance and that number continues to rise. The U.S. is the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee universal health care. As costs of insurance spiral out … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – November 3, 2006

The evangelical right gets a lot of airtime on cable, radio, television and in the mass media in general. But, a lot of the messages you hear are distilled for a mainstream audience. So what’s really being said behind the scenes? This week, Abby Scher takes us behind the scenes to the "Values Voter Summit" … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – October 20, 2006

David Korten and The Great Turning You wouldn’t have expected David Korten to raise any doubts about the global economy and its ability to solve poverty and environmental damage if you knew him in the 1980s. At that time, he was working for the U.S. Agency for International Development, touting the benefits of international investment … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – April 28, 2006

Katrina Uncovers: Exploited Workers and Endangered Wetlands On this edition, we hear from migrant workers helping to clean up and rebuild New Orleans and about their struggle for better wages and working conditions. We also hear from one organization fighting on their behalf. Then, we visit the bayou of Louisiana where we meet with locals … Continued

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