Making Contact

Making Contact – Lessons from Latin America

For decades, people have said the United States has treated Latin America as a project for exploit and economic expansion. Even do-gooders see the global south as deserving of unilateral help or charity.  But social change activists say the tables have turned.  On this edition, we'll hear from experts who say – especially in times … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – Crisis as Opportunity: Voices from The U.S. Social Forum

This June, thousands of grassroots activists converged on Detroit, Michigan to attend the United States Social Forum.  Participants said it wasn't a conference, but a movement building process toward ecological and economic justice.  We were at the forum and on this edition of Making Contact, we'll bring you some of the local and international voices … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – James Lawson: Non-Violent Warrior

The 1960 lunch counter sit-ins catapulted civil rights into the nation's consciousness.  But they weren't just spontaneous protests; they came after years of planning and studying techniques of non-violent civil disobedience.  The chief architect of the strategy was James Lawson, who worked along side Martin Luther King Jr., and was with him only hours before … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – Heavy Weather (Part I)

We'll hear part one of a documentary called Heavy Weather, produced by freelancer Barbara Bernstein.  She'll explore the connections between the increase in extreme weather and our changing climate and landscapes.  ‘Heavy Weather' was written, narrated and produced by Barbara Bernstein and is a production of the Media Project and Feather & Fin Productions.  Barbara … Continued