Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – March 29, 2010

-Steve Levin, author of the book Putin's Labrynth, discusses Moscow's metro bombings. -Making sense of the Iraqi political landscape with Marina Ottaway, Director of the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace & Wayne White former  Senior State Department Middle East and South Asia Analyst. -Victory for Labor as Craig Becker is … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – March 26, 2010

US & Russia strike a deal on nuclear weapons.  Guest: Ambassador Thomas Graham,  President's former Special Representative for Arms Control and Non Proliferation. New Obama initiative to address home foreclosures.  Guest Bruce Marks of Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America. ACORN closing its offices.  Guest: Rinku Sen, publisher of Color Lines. UC Berkeley Student Body Pres … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – March 24, 2010

Israeli PM Netanyahu's talks w/ Pres Obama.  Guest:  Andrew Bacevich professor of history and international relations at Boston University. History of Israeli/Palestinian negotiations w/ Eugene Rogan, Director of The Middle East Centre St Antony's College in Oxford. Emiliano Huett Vaghn, doctoral student  at UC Berkeley who wrote the UC Divestment From War Crimes that made … Continued