Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – July 22, 2010

While in Asia Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced new sanctions on North Korea in response to the North’s alleged sinking of a South Korean warship earlier this year. We’ll be in conversation with Christine Ahn of the Korean Policy Institute. Then Chair of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke continued testifying on Capitol Hill this … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – July 20, 2010

The Senate Judiciary Committee approves the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court.  We’ll hear excerpts from the debate.  Then we’ll be joined by Carolyn Lochhead of the SF Chronicle to find out the very latest on other agenda items on Capitol Hill including the war supplemental request, unemployment benefits and the soon to … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – July 19, 2010

What’s next on the legislative agenda with John Nichols of the Nation Magazine and Arthur Delaney of the Huffington Post. Conversation on the nation’s energy system with Severin Boronstein of UC Berkeley. Excerpt of interview w/ Lynne Stewart about her case and then reaction from Marjorie Cohn about Stewart getting a 10 year jail sentence.

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – July 14, 2010

Today we continue our look at the governments response to the recession with Professor Richard Walker of UC Berkeley.  He is currently comparing to stimulus package to the New Deal of the Great Depression.  Then we’ll be in conversation with Curtis Roosevelt…he grew up in the White House when his grandfather, FDR, was President.