Letters and Politics
10:00 AM Pacific Time: Monday - Thursday
Letters & Politics seeks to explore the history behind today’s major global and national news stories. Hosted by Mitch Jeserich.
Letters and Politics – January 10, 2011
-Adele Stan of Alternet & John Nichols of the Nation Magazine. -Dem Rep John Garamendi of CA. -History of political assassinations with Dr Joseph A. Palermo, Associate Professor of History at Sacramento State University.
Letters and Politics – January 6, 2011
James Horney of the Center for Budget Policy and Priorities about changes House rules concerning the budget. Ilir Zherka of DC Votes about Republicans stripping Congressional delegates of their voting rights. Tyson Slocum of Public Citizen on BP report. State Senator Mark Leno, incoming Chair of Senate Budget Committee.
Letters and Politics – January 4, 2011
-Steven Smith, political scientist and parliamentarian historian, on GOP rule changes in the House and the effort to reform the filibuster. -David McNally, author of Global Slump.
Letters and Politics – January 3, 2011
Kate Sheppard of Mother Jones Magazine on the incoming Republican Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Adele Stan, DC Bureau Chief of Alternate, on the RNC Chair debate. Panel discussion on Jerry Brown.