Letters and Politics
10:00 AM Pacific Time: Monday - Thursday
Letters & Politics seeks to explore the history behind today’s major global and national news stories. Hosted by Mitch Jeserich.
Letters and Politics – July 18, 2011
Ralph Nader on the appointment of a new director for the Consumer Protection Agency & on recruiting candidates to challenge Pres Obama in Democratic Primary. Robert McChesney on the News Corp scandal. S. Brian Willson Hosted by Mitch Jeresich.
Letters and Politics – July 14, 2011
Christian Parenti, author of The Tropic of Chaos, and an update on the debt ceiling negotiations with Rep Barbara Lee. Hosted by Mitch Jeserich.
Letters and Politics – July 13, 2011
Update on debt ceiling negotiations, a convesation with economist Dean Baker & CA state wide prison hunger strike.
Letters and Politics – July 12, 2011
Dave Zirin on tonight’s MLB All-Star game in AZ, details of a new immigration reform bill in Congress & the latest on the assassination of Ahmed Wali Karzai. Hosted by Mitch Keserich.