Letters and Politics – US to Arm Syrian Rebels
Conn Hallinan, with Foreign Policy in Focus, on the US to arm Syrian rebels. Shahram Aghamir, producer of Voices of the Middle East and North Africa, on the Iranian elections.
10:00 AM Pacific Time: Monday - Thursday
Letters & Politics seeks to explore the history behind today’s major global and national news stories. Hosted by Mitch Jeserich.
Conn Hallinan, with Foreign Policy in Focus, on the US to arm Syrian rebels. Shahram Aghamir, producer of Voices of the Middle East and North Africa, on the Iranian elections.
We hear Attorney General Eric Holder being questioned about the NSA/Verizon surveillance story at a Senate hearing earlier today and we’ll talk to Shane Kadidal of the Center for Constitutional Rights and Shahid Buttar with the Bill of Rights Defense Committee. Then later in the show we talk to radical feminist Merle Woo about rape … Continued
The gender wage gap with Lilly Ledbetter and Noreen Farrell of Equal Rights Advocates. Jonathon Hansen, author of Guantanamo: An American History.
Jeff Paterson, Director of the Bradley Manning Support Network Michael Klare, author of The Race for What’s Left.
Today we talk about how Guam, legally a US colony, plays into the Obama administration’s Pivot to Asia with two Chamoru indigenous activists Julian Aguon and Michael Leon Guerrero. Later we spoke to one of President Obama’s religious advisers Jim Wallis.