
Flashpoints – April 9, 2004

A report from Iraq on the bloody situation in Fallujah, where the death toll has risen to more than 450 with over a thousand wounded; we’ll also feature a report on the situation in Baghdad, where gun battles and bomboings have punctuated another day of the unraveling of the US occupation; also, Military Families Speak … Continued


Flashpoints – April 8, 2004

Today on Flashpoints, Sunni and Shia Muslims unite against U. S. occupiers in Iraq; we’ll feature a report from our special correspondent on the growing number of innocent Iraqis been killed by U.S. occupiers; also we hear a report from Baghdad on what U.S corporations aren’t doing with the billions they been given to recreate … Continued


Flashpoints – April 7, 2004

US forces open fire on Mosques as the situation continues to worsen in occupied Iraq, we’ll feature reports from the ground as well as an interview with Robert Fisk; also, an in-depth discussion on the climate of political terror in Haiti as the death squads and former military continue their reign of terror, we’ll be … Continued


Flashpoints – April 6, 2004

Today on Flashpoints, a dozen more marines are killed in Ramadi during a fierce confrontation with Shia muslims loyal to Moqtada Sadr; Meanwhile US attack helicopters kill more than twenty in Falluja; We feature reports from the ground in Iraq and interviews with two middle eastern scholars: Also Flashpoints Special Correspondent Lynn Duff reports from … Continued


Flashpoints – April 5, 2004

Iraq is in flames: we’ll go to occupied Baghdad with a full report from Pretap Chatterjee; we’ll speak with Dr. Paul Farmer about the current political situation in Haiti as well as the dire medical catastrophe that is worsening by the day; a look at the juvenile justice system after California Youth Authority guards violently … Continued


Flashpoints – April 2, 2004

Israeli security forces attack Palestinian worshippers at the al-Aqsa Mosque on the heels of a raid against a mental hospital in Bethlehem; we’ll have a discussion on the implications of the expanding resistance in Iraq; we’ll have an update from the ground in Haiti; and we’ll open the phones to discuss the situation in Iraq … Continued


Flashpoints – April 1, 2004

Robert Fisk dissects the latest violence in Iraq as the death tolls of Iraqis and American soldiers continue to spike, we will have a report from him on the ground in Baghdad; and we’ll speak with Brian Concannon, a lawyer for president Aristide about the latest legal issues facing the exile president and the increasing … Continued


Flashpoints – March 30, 2004

The US government pressures Jamaica to evict Aristide from the region as the repression in Haiti continues, we’ll feature a special report from Brian Concannon, attorney for President Aristide just back from the Dominican Republic; also, we’ll hear from a leader of Lavalas who risked his life to leave the country to testify before Congress; … Continued


Flashpoints – March 29, 2004

An exclusive interview with Haiti’s former drug czar and defense minister, Patrick Elie, on CIA involvement with terrorists and drug traffickers in Haiti; also, a report from Lyn Duff on a member of Lavalas in hiding from the death squads; Phyllis Bennis on Sharon’s indictment and the killing of Sheikh Yassin; a family member from … Continued