
Flashpoints – June 18, 2004

An eerie calm permeates in Baghdad as the besieged Iraqi people await the next attack; Dahr Jamail shares his personal thought s on the resilience of the Iraqi people; The paranoia of US foreign policy results in further strangling of human rights for pro-Cuban residents in Florida and a conversation with author, activist John Ross … Continued


Flashpoints – June 17, 2004

An on-the-ground report from Occupied Baghdad, where upwards of forty people were killed in a car bomb earlier today; unanswered questions from the current 9/11 commission investigation, we’ll speak with former high-level Bush One official Catherine Austin-Fitts and investigative reporter Kyle Hence on what we didn’t see at the hearings; an in-depth look at grassroots … Continued


Flashpoints – June 16, 2004

A report from the ground in Occupied Baghdad with our special correspondent; an in-depth look at Palestine, with a documentary and part two in our series with Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, physician and head of the Palestine Medical Relief Committees; poetry by Roaddawgs; and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – June 15, 2004

A report from musician and activist Michael Franti on the ground in the Rafah Refugee Camp; an update on the continuing horrors in Haiti with our special correspondent Kevin Piña; a look at the dangers of electronic voting as we inch closer to November’s election; a talk by Dr. Mustafa Baghouti on the devastation in … Continued


Flashpoints – June 14, 2004

Extreme surges of attacks in Iraq, we’ll have an on-the-ground report with our special correspondent who is tracking the latest on the situation in Baghdad; we go back to occupied Haiti with Kevin Pina, on the unlawful arrests by foreign troops; a young immigrant from Pakistan speaks to us from the Buffalo detention facility where … Continued


Flashpoints – June 11, 2004

A report with our special correspondent on the ground in Baghdad, where he interviewed a woman detained at Abu-Ghraib who witnessed torture by US soldiers; an update on the situation in Haiti with Kevin Pina; a discussion on Rachel Corrie, the young activist who was killed by a bulldozer in Rafah last year, with her … Continued


Flashpoints – June 10, 2004

We speak with Barbara Lubin, director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance and musician-activist Michael Franti, together in the Dheisheh Refugee camp in the occupied West Bank; a look at the way Coca Cola and other multinational corporations benefit from child labor in El Salvador; Gil Scott Heron and Greg Palast on the life, lies, … Continued


Flashpoints – June 9, 2004

Another siege in Fallujah, we go to Baghdad for an on-the ground report; more invasions and attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza strip; a look at the disturbing trend of the corporatization of health care; award-winning investigative reporter Greg Palast with a commentary on Ronald Reagan; and the Knight Report. Web … Continued


Flashpoints – June 8, 2004

A report from occupied Baghdad on the continuing violence and disarray of infrastructure; Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights talks about the Pentagon’s self-dismissal for legal responsibility in Abu Ghraib and Guantanomo; a report on the political situation in Venezuela; we speak with Diane Wilson, grass roots activist against multinational chemical companies, who … Continued