
Flashpoints – January 5, 2005

Eyewitness accounts of Indonesian military brutality against Acehnese, we’ll feature a report with a human rights activist just back from Northern Sumatra; also, a leading civil rights attorney characterizes Attorney General-designate Alberto Gonzales as a prima fascia war criminal; and refugees from Fallujah talk about their plight after US troops cleansed and destroyed their city.


Flashpoints – January 4, 2005

Israeli tanks gun down seven Palestinian children on their way to school in Gaza, and NPR purposely overlooks the killing; also, we’ll speak with Allan Nairn about the situation in Aceh and the deadly actions of the Indonesian military; we’ll talk about the growing resistance to the war among the US troops in Iraq; and … Continued


Flashpoints – January 3, 2005

Tens of thousands of Achenes still at risk both by their physical conditions and the violent Indonesian Military. Also, are child trafficers taking advantage of the tidal waves to kidnap and sell children into slavery or illegal adaptions? 17 year old Palestinian shot by Israeli occupiers for putting up a campaign poster in Gaza. More … Continued


Flashpoints – December 28, 2004

We continue our commemorative coverage of late investigative reporter Gary Webb, we are proud to present again a forum that was recorded with Gary Webb and Martha Hani in June of 1997 to celebrate the debut of his book Dark Alliance. The interview was conducted on stage with Flashpoints executive producer Dennis Bernstein. All this … Continued


Flashpoints – December 27, 2004

We interview author David Ray Griffen of The New Pearl Harbor, Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 and his most recent book The 911 Commission Report: Ommissions and Distortions. 911 Coverup Questions from before, during and after 9/11 still unanswered are discussed.


Flashpoints – December 23, 2004

Lyn Duff interviews a Haitian woman whose son was shot in the back by a Haitian military death squad; also, we’ll interview a pro-Lavalas mayor in hiding in Haiti; we’ll also feature an in-depth piece on womens’ experience of occupation in Palestine; and the status of migrants’ rights as considered at an international migrants day … Continued