
Flashpoints – August 11, 2005

A series of massacres by Haitian death squad police leave dozens wounded and dead, including a pregnant woman and a teenager; also we’ll return to Crawford, Texas to check in with the Gold Star anti-war activists calling for an end to the Iraq war; we’ll also speak with Rahul Mahajan about the ongoing killing in … Continued


Flashpoints – August 10, 2005

An in-depth report on the real implications of the Israelis bloody pullout of occupied Gaza; also, we’ll feature a special report from Crawford, Texas, where the Arlington West project has just delivered a thousand crosses to signify the growing number of dead from the illegal war in Iraq; and from exile in Southern California, the … Continued


Flashpoints – August 9, 2005

In a dramatic, precedent-setting decision, a southern appellate court overturned the life convictions of the Cuban Five; also, Gold Star mother Cindy Sheehan faces arrest as she camps out at the Bush ranch, we’ll ask Sheehan what she wants to talk to the President about; Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suspends drug fighting cooperation with the … Continued


Flashpoints – August 8, 2005

We commemorate the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – the only use of nuclear weapons against a civilian population in wartime. We’ll feature an interview about a new documentary called Original Child Bomb about the real impacts of the bombing and how they were covered up for so many years. … Continued


Flashpoints – August 5, 2005

Today, we’ll feature a segment on activists who are risking their lives to rescue migrants dying at an accelerating rate in the deserts as a result of new policies by Homeland Security; also, a California Assemblyman speaks out against the Governor’s special elections; headlines from the region, and Flashpoints en Espanol with producers of La … Continued


Flashpoints – August 4, 2005

A phony investigation by the Haitian Coup Government accuses President Aristide of absconding with fifty million dollars; meanwhile Haiti’s killing fields continue to claim the lives of Lavalas leaders and supporters; plus a Congresswoman from Eastern Congo talks about her country’s struggle for self-determination in the face of IMF and World Bank repression; news headlines … Continued


Flashpoints – August 3, 2005

A phony investigation by the Haitian Coup Government accuses President Aristide of absconding with fifty million dollars; meanwhile Haiti’s killing fields continue to claim the lives of Lavalas leaders and supporters; plus a Congresswoman from Eastern Congo talks about her country’s struggle for self-determination in the face of IMF and World Bank repression; news headlines … Continued


Flashpoints – August 2, 2005

A report-back on the situation in Gaza as Israeli troops ready to lock down the strip into a prison camp for 1.5 million Palestinians; plus a round-table on the responsibility of journalists in this time of war – we’ll be joined by Bob Parry and Dahr Jamail; and from exile in Malibu, the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – August 1, 2005

Bush goes through the back door with his United Nations appointment, is this one more big diversion from the Karl Rove scandal that might bring the entire administration down? Also, Bush’s Brain, we’ll feature an interview with one of the co-authors of the book and excerpts of the documentary film based on the book, Bush’s … Continued


Flashpoints – July 29, 2005

A special live edition broadcast from New College in the hear of San Francisco Mission District. A special report focuses on the 3rd Annual Assembly of Day Laborers in New York, with college Renee Salsado. An update on the killing fields in Haiti with Kevin Pina. Discussion on the documentary "A Place Called Chiapas". Headlines … Continued