
Explorations – December 21, 2004

Environmentalist Michael Oppenheimer, Professor of Geosciences, Princeton University, on the state of the planet. Also: It’s official: 2004 is the 4th hottest year ever recorded: The 1990s was the hottest decade; 200 nations send representatives to Buenos Ares to hammer out the finer points of the Kyoto Protocols, designed to reign in green house gases; … Continued


Explorations – December 14, 2004

Sheila and David Rothman, authors of The Pursuit of Perfection : The Promise and Perils of Medical Enhancement. Also: Another oil spill in Alaska; The Department on Energy seems determined to send plutonium into space: Public hearing scheduled; Chicken genes have been analyzed; Scientists reverse breast cancer tumor growth with gene therapy; Scientists find anatomical … Continued


Explorations – December 7, 2004

Neil Tyson, one of the leading African American scientists in the U.S., director of the Hayden Planetarium, author of Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution. Also: Russia claims to have test fired its own version of a Star Wars anti-ballistic missile system, raising fears of a new nuclear arms race; Putin has ominously declared … Continued


Explorations – November 30, 2004

Richard Restak, MD, author of Poe’s Heart and the Mountain Climber : Exploring the Effect of Anxiety on Our Brains and Culture. Does Iran really mean to give up its nuclear ambitions?; The Europian Union wants a new generation nuclear power plants: Plants that use solar power; Can the heart regenerate heart tissue after heart … Continued


Explorations – November 23, 2004

Science journalist Gretchen Reynolds, author of the recent article in the New York Times Magazine The Flu Hunters, about a possible flu pandemic. Also, Vitamin E controversy: Rent study finds the vitamin may be harmful in large doses and may shorten life span – others criticize the study; Stem Cells and Heart Attacks: Scientists make … Continued


Explorations – November 16, 2004

Henry Petroski, author of Pushing the Limits : New Adventures in Engineering. Also, new report involving 250 scientists paints a pessimistic viewpoint of what the arctic will be like in 100 years; Mordechai Vanunu arrested again, why?; Gigantic solar cell will be launched into orbit next year, could pioneer a whole new propulsion system by … Continued


Explorations – November 9, 2004

Ann Parson, author of The Proteus Effect: Stem Cells and Their Promise for Medicine. Also, What impact will Bush’s reelection have on stem cell research; Putin signs Kyoto Protocols; Major disruption of the food chain in the south pole; Scientists identify single molecule that causes nicotine’s addictive properties; Scientists find location of the origin of … Continued


Explorations – November 2, 2004

Paul Gilster, author of Centauri Dreams: Imagining And Planning Interstellar Exploration. Also: Russian upper house of parliament decides to ratify the Kyoto Protocols. If Putin ratifies it could mean the Kyoto Protocols go into effect as early as next year; New species of humans found: remains of a dwarf-like creature found near Java that died … Continued


Explorations – October 26, 2004

The future of energy, with Steve Taub, researcher with the Cambridge Energy Research Associates, an energy monitoring agency. Also: Coalition of environmental groups say wealthy nations must do more to stop global warming; The world’s cities brace for a future in which sea level rise can have environmental and economic impacts; National Audubon Society reports … Continued


Explorations – October 19, 2004

Excerpts of interviews with Robert Kennedy Jr., author of Crimes Against Nature : How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy , and Lester Brown, founder of Worldwatch Institute. Also: Nuclear power accident in New Jersey; Scientist find that 1/3rd of all amphibians on earth face extinction; … Continued