Origin of human consciousness, with Dr. Steven Pinker and Dr. Daniel Dennet. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Tuesdays: 2PM Pacific Time
An hour long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment. Topics covered include black holes, time travel, higher dimensions, string theory, wormholes, search for extra-terrestial life, dark matter and dark energy, the future of space travel, genetic engineering, the aging process, the future of medicine, the human body shop, artificial intelligence, the future of computers and robots, as well as topics from science fiction. Hosted by Michio Kaku.
Origin of human consciousness, with Dr. Steven Pinker and Dr. Daniel Dennet. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Michael Neufeld examines why scientists worked for the Nazis during WWII. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Genetic engineering, with Prof. Greg Stock of UCLA; and the origin of the moon, with Dr. Dana McKenzie Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
A syndicated hour long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment, hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
A syndicated hour long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment, hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Guest: David Archer, author of “The Long Thaw,” about global warming. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Innovation of Thomas Edison. Quantum computers, the next big thing? Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
NY Times writer George Johnson, on Women in science. Guest:Michael Lemonick of Time Magazine, on the Big Bang. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Environmentalist Lester Brown on the fate the earth. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Guest: Prof. S. Jay Olshansky. Topic: Immortality and the science of agin. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.