
Explorations – The future of nuclear energy; the science of plastic surgery.

Michael Marriot of NIRS speaking of the future of nuclear energy. Dr. John Connolly, speaking of the science of plastic surgery.   There is science behind plastic surgery procedures, but also myths and misconceptions which are worth clearing up. And this post covers those. Myth: A plastic surgeon can never make someone beautiful Reality: Plastic … Continued


Explorations – Pres. Obama’s Inauguration signals major shift in energy, environment, etc.

Pres. Obama's Inauguration signals major shift in energy, environment, etc.; Methane found on Mars – evidence of life?; Bird strike downs plane into Hudson River; Kepler satellite to find earth-twins; Invisibility breakthrough.      Credits:Special guest for 100th anniversary of Evolution: Dr. Neil Shubin, author of Your Inner Fish: A Journey Into the 3.5 Billion Year … Continued