Can we reverse aging?
Can we reverse aging? Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Tuesdays: 2PM Pacific Time
An hour long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment. Topics covered include black holes, time travel, higher dimensions, string theory, wormholes, search for extra-terrestial life, dark matter and dark energy, the future of space travel, genetic engineering, the aging process, the future of medicine, the human body shop, artificial intelligence, the future of computers and robots, as well as topics from science fiction. Hosted by Michio Kaku.
Can we reverse aging? Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Q and A with Dr. Kaku Guest: Dr Greg Stock of UCLA, how far should we push genetic engineering? Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Guest 1: Dr. Brian Greene, string theory. Guest 2: Dr. Lisa Randall, higher dimensions. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Q and A Is the change in technology mainly responsible for Trumps victory? Guest:Dr. Ray Kurzweil. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
What lies behind the victory of Donald Trump? Racism? Rise of white anger? Or changes in science and technology? Guest: Randall Strauss, life of Thomas Edison and spirit of innovation. With Host Michio Kaku.
With Environmentalist Lester Brown on the state of the earth Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
With Guest Lori Bongiorno, author of “Green, Greener, Greenest.” Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
With Guest Michael Maggellet and James Oskins. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
With aerospace engineer and author Robert Zubrin, on the exploration of Mars; and astronaut Tom Jones. Hosted by Dr. Michio Kaku.
Q and A in science. Guest: Dr. Dana McKenzie, on the origin of the moon. With Host Dr. Michio Kaku.