Education Today
Education Today is a radio show hosted by Kitty Kelly Epstein and Jaron Epstein that airs every week at 2:30.
Education Today – April 13, 2007
Kitty Kelly Epstein interviews educators and researchers from around the country about the impact of No Child Left Behind on schools, and their thoughts on the movement to end or drastically rewrite the law.
Education Today – March 9, 2007
National Education Policy and No Child Left Behind legislation Kitty Kelly Epstein discusses national education policy and No Child Left Behind legislation with Richard Kahlenberg, senior fellow of the Century Foundation this afternoon on Education Today.
Education Today – February 23, 2007
Kitty Kelly Epstein speaks with San Francisco Chronicle education writer Nanette Asimov. They’ll discuss issues covering No Child Left Behind reauthorization, the state of California public schools and other education trends.
Pushing Limits – January 26, 2007
Guest Host Dolores Garay speaks with Dr. Kathy Emery of SF Freedom Schools about the state of public schools in the age of High Stakes Testing and No Child Left Behind.
Education Today – December 22, 2006
Host Kitty Kelly Epstein will be speaking with Assemblyman Sandre Swanson of the California 16th Assembly District.
Education Today – December 8, 2006
Kitty Kelly Epstein speaks with Robert Blackburn, esteemed educator and former Superintendent of Schools for Oakland public schools. Blackburn talks about his early association with the late Marcus Foster, and shares his insights on the state of education in the United States.