Economic Update

China’s Economic Record and Strategy

As follow-up to earlier parallel program on the USSR, this program seeks to offer (1) an overview of China’s economic development mostly over the last 25 years (GDP, real wages, etc.), and (2) its economic strategy: learning but also differing from Soviet strategy. Some historical context is also provided.

Economic Update

Rise and Fall of the USSR

Here we try to go beyond simplistic, sterile Cold War debates of demonizers vs celebrants of the USSR. USSR’s strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures are examined from revolutionary beginnings in 1917 to its 1989 implosion. Second in 2-part series will do same for the People’s Republic of China.

Economic Update

A New Labor Movement Rising

Updates on US church membership and its tax subsidies, Toyota and Merkel slam US economic nationalism, 40 US states sue price-gouging pharma firms, Trump (“self-described “tariff man”) does not understand that Americans pay all tariffs he imposes, Mothers’ Day and the minimum wage, capitalism and politicians’ corruption. Interview Neha Mathew-Shah, Pres., Progressive Workers Union.

Economic Update

The 3 Basic kinds of Socialism

As ever more people become anti-capitalist and look toward socialist alternatives, it is important to grasp key differences among the alternative kinds of socialism. This program explains those differences among (1) the moderate or “democratic” socialism ( a la Scandinavia), (2) the communist kind of socialism (in the USSR and People’s Republic of China, and … Continued

Economic Update

Understanding Marxism

This special edition of “Economic Update” is devoted to Understanding Marxism, the title of a short new book just published by Democracyatwork. Today’s program, like the book, explains Marxism‘s systemic insights into capitalism now. We discuss Marxism‘s basic criticisms of capitalism and also its complex relationship to socialism. Finally, we offer a survey of the last century of Marxism‘s … Continued

Economic Update

Economic Update – May 24, 2019

Economics Professor Richard D. Wolff and guests discuss the current state of the economy, locally and globally. The program explores alternative ways to organize, markets, and government policies. Click Here to listen to the current episode of Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff.

Economic Update

Economic Update – May 17, 2019

Economics Professor Richard D. Wolff and guests discuss the current state of the economy, locally and globally. The program explores alternative ways to organize, markets, and government policies. Click Here to listen to the current episode of Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff.

Economic Update

Economic Update – May 10, 2019

Economics Professor Richard D. Wolff and guests discuss the current state of the economy, locally and globally. The program explores alternative ways to organize, markets, and government policies. Click Here to listen to the current episode of Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff.

Economic Update

Lawyers vs the System

Updates on US college students as share-croppers for investors, on conservatives’ fake opposition to gov’t intervention in the economy, on deepening inadequacy of retirement savings of US baby boomers, and on how fading US middle class leads many first to blame/scapegoat foreigners, then fellow citizens. Interview Michael Steven Smith on new book, Lawyers for the … Continued

Economic Update

Capitalism versus Socialism

This over 200-year debate and struggle has become confused and confusing. Too many different definitions make honest, balanced discussions and evaluations of these alternative systems difficult. Because socialism is rising yet again to challenge capitalism, the debate now must take account of the terms’ new and different meanings. We do that here in arguing for … Continued