Democracy Now! (6 am) – August 18, 2004
Exclusive: Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu Risks Jail To Speak to Democracy Now! in First Nat’l U.S. Interview.
9:00 AM Pacific Time: MONDAYS - FRIDAYS
Democracy Now! is a daily national independent award-winning news program, hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez.
This hour rebroadcasts the 6am hour. For daily episode descriptions, see Democracy Now! (6am).
Exclusive: Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu Risks Jail To Speak to Democracy Now! in First Nat’l U.S. Interview.
Evolving Empire: Chalmers Johnson on Bush’s Major Troop Realignment Susie Bright and Susan Brison on Pornography and Larry Flynt Are Hundreds of Sex Workers Coming to New York for the RNC?
Venezuela’s President Chavez Survives Recall Vote Rejected by Opponents Global Warming and Extreme Weather: Hurricane Charley Leaves 16 Dead, Thousands Homeless Najaf Fighting Throws National Conference Into Chaos Palestinian & U.S. Prisoners Stage Hunger Strikes
NJ Governor Resigns As He Admits To Gay Affair California Court Voids 4,000 Same Sex Marriages in San Francisco Washington Post Admits It Buried Anti-War Voices Before the Iraq invasion Will Yaser Esam Hamdi Go From An Enemy Combatant to A Free Man? A Warning From the ACLU: Emerging Surveillance-Industrial Complex Is Turbo-Charging Government Monitoring
U.S. Risks Alienating Millions Across Muslim World with Major Attack on Holy City of Najaf Polarized Venezuela Prepares to Vote on Chavez Recall Ryan Matthews is Free: Death Row Prisoner Convicted as Juvenile Exonerated After 5 Yrs in Jail
Is Bush’s Nominee for CIA Chief Porter Goss a Decoy For Re-Election? Parents Mourn Son’s Suicide After Returning From Iraq Duty: "He’s a Casualty of War But He’ll Never Be Known As That" Anti-War Group Asserts Right to Protest RNC in Central Park
Did the White House Sabotage the War on Terror by Leaking the Name of an al Qaeda Double Agent? Bush on Native American Issues: "Tribal Sovereignty Means That. It’s Sovereign" Salman Rushdie on Terrorism, Intellectual freedom and the Patriot Act Time Reporter Refuses To Testify in Case of Outted CIA Operative
Fall From Grace: Iraq Issues Arrest Warrants for Fmr. U.S. Ally Ahmad Chalabi and Nephew Salem Chalabi Bush to African American Voters: "Just Don’t Focus on Florida, I’ll Talk to the Governor Down There to Make Sure it Works" Jesse Jackson To Journalists: "Be Interpreters And Appraisers Not Just Reporters" Norman Mailer: Why I Am … Continued
Sen. John Kerry Slams President Bush For His Actions on 9/11 As Sadr Calls Off Truce In Najaf, We Speak With Robert Fisk On How Iraq Is About to Explode Gen. Colin Powell On Why the U.S. Does Not Say Genocide Is Occurring in the Sudan NYC Independent Media Center Loses Newsroom Space Weeks Before … Continued
Red Cross: U.S. May Have Committed War Crimes at Guantanamo Bay Liberty in the Balance: Security Collides with Civil Liberties The Modern-Day Rosenberg Case: A Look Back At How the Gov’t Framed Chinese-American Scientist Wen Ho Lee Talk Radio Host Joe Madison: Why I Am On A Hunger Strike To Protest the Sudanese Government
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