Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Democracy Now! (6 am) – April 1, 2004

Hotbed of Resistance: An Iraqi Discusses Fallujah Violence Three Mile Island: 25th Anniversary of The Worst Nuclear Accident in U.S. History Rwanda Ten Years Ago: How the World Stood Back and Watched a Genocide Exposed: Washington Ignored U.S. Intel Warning of Genocide in Rwanda Blackwater USA: Building the "Largest Private Army in the World"

Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Democracy Now! (6 am) – March 25, 2004

9/11 Hearings: Fmr Counterterror Chief Clarke Blasts Bush on 9/11 Saying "Your Government Failed You" 9/11 Hearings: Clarke Defends Against Accusations of Partisanship 9/11 Hearings: Clarke Details Controversial Post-Sept. 11 Saudi Flight 9/11 Hearings: Clarke Accused of Telling Reporters Different Story in 2002 Briefing EXCLUSIVE: Condoleezza Rice Threatens Jamaica Over Aristide