Background Briefing

Background Briefing – June 18, 2024

America’s Plutocrats Believe the Threat to Capitalism From Democrats is Worse Than the Threat to Democracy From Trump We begin with the money race between Biden and Trump, as Biden and Obama held a fundraiser in Los Angeles, while Trump promised the billionaires and CEOs of the Business Roundtable tax cuts and the heads of … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – June 17, 2024

Netanyahu Dissolves the War Cabinet as Tensions on Israel’s Border With Lebanon Intensify We begin with PM Netanyahu dissolving Israel’s war cabinet, as the danger of a war breaking out on the border between Israel and Hezbollah intensifies. Joining us from Israel is Asher Kaufman, Director of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – June 6, 2024

The 80th Anniversary of D-Day and Today’s Struggle Against Tyranny We begin with the remembrance today in Normandy, France on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, with a diminished number of veterans 100 years and older attending along with world leaders, including President Biden, who spoke of sacrifice in the name of freedom and democracy, as … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – June 5, 2024

Legal Challenges to Biden’s EO on Closing the Border We begin with the ACLU threatening to take the administration to court in response to Biden’s Executive Order to close the border in the event there is a flood of immigrants seeking asylum. Joining us to discuss the battle ahead in the courts is Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, Policy … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – June 4, 2024

Will Biden’s Executive Order to Close the Border Win or Lose Votes? We begin with President Biden’s Executive Order today allowing temporary border closures to migrants once the seven-day average of illegal entries reaches 2,500 per day. Joining us to discuss this thorny issue for the White House is Margaret Hu, a Professor of Law … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – June 3, 2024

The Oligarchs Lining Up to Line Trump’s Pockets We begin with billionaires rallying to support Trump, with the late casino mogul’s wife Miriam Adelson poised to drop $100 million or more this week, as Wall Street’s Schwartzman, Ackman, and Peltz, who condemned the insurrectionist-in-chief after January 6, line up to line Trump’s pockets. Joining us … Continued