Background Briefing

Background Briefing – August 3, 2023

Trump’s Latest Indictment is not a First Amendment Issue About His Words. It’s About His Deeds We begin with political response to the latest four count federal indictment of Trump for the January 6 insurrection and election interference which Republicans and their Fox News echo chamber are spinning as a First Amendment issue of free … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – August 2, 2023

The GOP’s Long Quest For an Imperial Presidency. Now They’re About To Crown Trump King Donald the First We begin with the GOP’s long quest for an imperial presidency starting with Nixon but now accelerating with frightening plans developed by Trump’s inner circle and the Heritage Foundation that envision an even more powerful imperial presidency … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – July 31, 2023

More Indictments of Trump That Pro-Trump Jurors in Florida Could Agree Are Crimes We begin with the superseding indictments of Donald Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case with 3 new charges bringing the total to 40 counts. We discuss how the new charges could be easily understood by jurors, in particular pro-Trump jurors in Florida, … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – July 19, 2023

We begin with global temperature records being broken as heat domes across 4 continents bake the planet from Rome where today’s high was 110 degrees to Phoenix, Arizona where you could fry eggs on the pavement. We discuss how the fossil fuel industry now making record profits is backsliding on promises to address global warming … Continued