Background Briefing

Background Briefing – January 23, 2024

Why New Hampshire Republican Voters Love Trump We begin with today’s New Hampshire presidential primary which the Democrats are skipping while on the Republican side it is the make-or-break moment for Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign as the likelihood of a coronation for Trump looms in spite of Haley closing the wide gap in the polls. … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – January 18, 2024

America’s Industry and Banking Leaders at Davos Are Quite Okay With Trump Winning the Presidency We begin with insight into the attitudes of corporate leaders and billionaires expressed in softball interviews at Davos towards the possibility of Trump being reelected with Jamie Dimon saying Trump is “kinda right about NATO, immigration, the economy and China” … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – January 17, 2024

A Supreme Court Poised to Gut the Administrative State We begin with today’s argument before the Supreme Court in a case known as “Chevron deference” being heard after 40 years in which government agencies were given deference to experts’ rulings on public health, the environment and consumer protection issues etc. But now an ideological right … Continued