Background Briefing

Background Briefing – March 21, 2024

Can the Public Own Giant Tech Companies Who Operate as Monopolies? We begin with the DOJ’s antitrust suit against Apple and explore the possibility of public ownership of the giant tech companies that operate as monopolies and control much of what we interact with socially, politically and economically. Joining us is Nathan Schneider, a Professor of … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – March 20, 2024

As a Million Gazans Starve, Kushner’s Callous Remarks on the Value of Their Beachfront Property Resonate While Netanyahu Talks to Republican Senators and the House Speaker We begin with Netanyahu addressing the Republican senators today by video after a lengthy call with House Speaker Johnson, who promised to host a future visit to the embattled … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – March 14, 2024

Johnson Won’t Hold a Vote to Impeach Biden as Evidence Emerges the Source Who Fed House Republicans Russian Disinformation Was Paid $600,000 by Friends of Trump We begin with House Speaker Johnson telling reporters that he can’t commit to holding a Biden impeachment vote following the implosion of the case against Hunter Biden which was … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – March 13, 2024

As Gazans Starve, Will Netanyahu Cross Biden’s “Red Line” and Invade Rafah? We begin with the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and assess whether there is a deliberate policy of starvation underway, while the US and others resort to BandAid solutions of air drops and building a pier. Joining us to discuss Biden’s warning that Netanyahu … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – March 12, 2024

Of the $1.6 Trillion in Discretionary Spending in Biden’s 2025 Budget, a Trillion Goes to the Military and $499 Billion For Everything Else We begin with Biden’s $7.266 trillion 2025 budget released Monday of which $1.6 trillion is discretionary spending and a trillion of that (69%) goes to the military while $499 billion (31%) goes … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – March 11, 2024

Have Israel’s Right Wing Supporters and the AIPAC Lobby Lost the Narrative on Israel in Popular Culture? We begin with last night’s Academy Awards at which Jonathan Glazer, the winning international film director of The Zone of Interest, a movie about the banality of evil, portraying the family of the Commandant of Auschwitz living ordinary lives … Continued

Background Briefing

Background Briefing – March 6, 2024

Can Biden Pick up Haley’s Voters While Placating the Uncommitted Young Democrats? We begin with Mitch McConnell’s craven endorsement of Trump now that he has the nomination all but locked up and whether, after Nikki Haley’s withdrawal, can Biden pick up the 20 to 30% of Republicans who are disaffected with Trump at the same … Continued