6:30 PM Pacific Time: Sundays
CounterSpin provides a critical examination of the each week’s major news stories, and exposes what the mainstream media may have missed in their own coverage. Combines lively discussion and thoughtful critique. Produced by the national media watch group FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting).
Counterspin – November 11, 2005
For months on end we’ve heard that the so-called oil-for-food scandal would show deep corruption at the highest levels of the United Nations. So when a lengthy report on the program’s mismanagement came out, how did the facts stack up against the right-wing spin that’s been driving the story? Joshua Holland of Alternet will join … Continued
Counterspin – November 4, 2005 editor Robert Parry will join us to reflect on the latest Bush scandal, and how the news media seem eager to help the White House get back on its feet. Parry will tell us about an alternative response to the Bush scandals and share his thoughts on the Lewis Libby indictment from the perspective … Continued
Counterspin – October 28, 2005
While the CIA leak investigation has the Beltway establishment on edge, a parallel scandal of sorts is playing out in the Italian media. The story gets to the heart of the Bush administration’s case for the Iraq war. So why aren’t we hearing more about it? We’ll talk to journalist Laura Rozen about the scandal … Continued
Counterspin – October 21, 2005
The New York Times finally published its report on Judith Miller and her grand jury testimony about the CIA leak story. But for many, the Times report–far shorter and less probing than its Jayson Blair reporting some years back– raises more questions than it answers. We’ll talk to Arianna Huffington, editor of the Huffington Post, … Continued
Counterspin – October 14, 2005
Most of the tales of murder and rape that came out of the Katrina catastrophe in New Orleans never happened. But that didn’t keep news media from conveying endless accounts of mayhem supposedly perpetrated by black thugs and gangs. Our guest says portrayals equating crime with African-Americans reflect a timeworn pattern, even when the stories … Continued
Counterspin – October 7, 2005
Andrew Wetzler on Endangered Species Act, Bob Lederer on Filiberto Ojeda Rios This week on CounterSpin: Is the Endangered Species Act in danger itself? The House voted late last month to make significant changes in the landmark environment law. So how much attention did the press pay to this? We’ll talk to Andrew Wetzler of … Continued
Counterspin – September 30, 2005
John Feffer on North Korea, Melissa Goodman on Patriot Act This week on CounterSpin: There was a big breakthrough in the negotiations on North Korea’s nuclear program. Or maybe there wasn’t. The press played up a tentative deal that looked all the more so just one day later. So what happened? And whose interests were … Continued
Counterspin – September 23, 2005
Supreme Court nominee John Roberts has certainly passed the media confirmation process, with most of the coverage quite favorable to Bush’s nominee for chief justice. With all that praise, what are we missing? Elliot Mincberg of People for the American Way will join us to answer that question. Also this week: Though Iraq news has … Continued
Counterspin – September 16, 2005
Jamie Court on Gas Prices and Jonathan Landay on FEMA & Michael Brown This week on CounterSpin: Is $4 a gallon gasoline the natural consequence of damage done by Hurricane Katrina? Where some see profiteering, many media analysts, like Newsweek’s Robert Samuelson, see the market working exactly as it should. We’ll hear from Jamie Court … Continued