
Counterspin – June 23, 2006

The title of the book really says it all: Lapdogs-How the Press Rolled over for Bush. Author Eric Boehlert will join us to talk about how – and why – the Beltway press corps has done its part to prop up the Bush presidency. And with Bush down in the polls, has the media mood … Continued


Counterspin – April 28, 2006

Articles and posts are flying around the web with headlines like ‘The End of the Internet’. How serious is the threat of the disturbingly named "Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act" and what can you do about it? And, how does it connect to the threat currently facing public access TV? We’ll talk about both … Continued


Counterspin – April 7, 2006

This week on CounterSpin: Video news releases are one of the ways corporations and government agencies distribute their propaganda. That wouldn’t be so bad on its own– except for the fact that those videos often show up on TV newscasts, where viewers are led to believe that these PR stunts are actually news reports. Just … Continued