Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – February 28, 2007

this episode is no longer available

This week on Bay Native Circle, host Gregg McVicar presents Part I of the documentary series "Edge of the Rez," produced by KNAU, Arizona Public Radio. The series profiles the people who straddle two sometimes disparate worlds living in towns that neighbor the Hopi and Navajo reservations in Northern Arizona. The documentary explores tough issues … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – January 24, 2007

this episode is no longer available

The Opening Moment: An NMAI Celebration A special encore presentation of Part II of the series, "The Opening Moment: An NMAI Celebration." It documents the 2004 grand opening of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and its significance to indigenous peoples throughout the Americas. Traditional … Continued

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