Africa Today – April 18, 2005
Walter Turner interviews with Kali Akuno and Lamia on Attica to Abu Ghraib Conference, and later Marie Clarke Brill with Africa Action on Darfu.
7:00 PM Pacific Time: Mondays
A weekly news program providing information and analysis about Africa and the African Diaspora, hosted by Walter Turner.
Walter Turner interviews with Kali Akuno and Lamia on Attica to Abu Ghraib Conference, and later Marie Clarke Brill with Africa Action on Darfu.
Interiew with Christine ChaCha on african immigration, and interview with Horace Campbell, Syracuse University on Zimbabwe elections.
Rev. Kelvin Sauls and NuNu Kidane on African Americans and African Immigrants.
Interview with Mariam Tendou Kamara, Executive Director of Women in Africa, and Letters from Tanzania, produced by Bill Heath.
Host Walter Turner interviews Emeka Duruigbo on the political situation in Nigeria.
Africa Today honors International Womens Day with an interview with Muadi Mukenge, Program Officer for Africa of the Global Fund for Women, discussing the recent United Nations Conference on the Status of Women – 10 Years after Beijing. Hosted by Walter Turner.
Host Walter Turner interviews with Mauli Dake, Ghana National Coalition Against Water Privatization, and later Herb Boyd on Human Rights activist James Foreman.
Barbara Ransby will be discussing her book on the life of Ella Baker, civil rights leader, founder of SNCC. Hosted by Walter Turner
Walter Turner interviews Gerald Horne, author of African Americans and the Mexican Revolution 1910-1920.