June 2014 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting
June 14, 2014 11am-4pm
Berkeley Senior Center
Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA map

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php

Present: Craig Alderson, Paula Erkkila, José Luis Fuentes, David Gans, Donald Goldmacher*, Kate Gowen, Mark Hernandez*, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, Joy Moore, Samsarah Morgan, Andrea Prichett, Lewis Sawyer, Ramsés Teón-Nichols*, Carole Travis*, David Welsh, Barbara Whipperman, Burton White, Margy Wilkinson.
*Arrived after roll call.

Absent: Tina Bachemin, Mal Burnstein, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Cynthia Johnson, Mel Sanders, Franklin Sterling,.

1.         Call to order
In absence of chair and vice chair, meeting called to order by secretary C. Alderson at 11:12 am.

2.         Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (C. Alderson) to excuse all absent members. Approved without objection. Secretary proposed that the board appoint Burton White as chair pro-tem. Approved without objection.

3.         Approve agenda
Moved (J. Kobren) to approve agenda.

Moved (A. Prichett) to table item 14.A (KPFA policy regarding calling police) to next meeting. Approved without objection.

Moved (J. Moore) to replace 14.A with report back on racism workshop in May. Approved without objection.

Moved (J. Kobren) to move new business item 15.C (Resolution regarding Morning Mix) to 15.A and move other items down respectively.

Moved (D. Welsh) as substitute motion to move 15.C to 15.B and make no change to order for 15.A. Failed: 1Y, 5N.

Original motion approved, 11Y, 5N.

Agenda as amended approved unanimously by voice vote.

4.         Minutes
Moved (J. Kurzweil) to approve minutes as drafted. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

5.         Announcements
J. Moore: 38th Apprenticeship Program class graduates June 27; ceremony at Harriet Tubman Senior Center, Adeline & Russell streets. Juneteenth is this Sunday and outreach table will be there. Healthy Child Initiative will also have presence. Panel discussion on water rights and access will be held 1:30 same day.

A. Prichett: Berkeley City Council voted to authorize study of taser use. Report is due at Sept. 9 city council meeting and activists are organizing for a strong showing.

J. Kobren: N. Berkeley Senior Center was sprayed with toxic pesticide spray last week. Proposed that board look into it and possibility of relocating future meetings.

M. Wilkinson: Juneteenth is tomorrow on Adeline Street, between Ashby and Alcatraz. Youth Spirit Artworks will have table.

6.         Public comments
Moved (A. Prichett) to allow 3 minutes each for all audience members signed up to speak, with no closing of sign-up list and no closing time to public comments. Approved: 10Y, 5N.

Public comments begin at 26:55 of audio file part 1. Sasha Futran, Steve Gilmartin, Daniel Bortstrom, Stan Woods, Marilyn Langlois, Virginia Browning, Ann Garrison, Tracy Rosenberg, Brian Geiser, David Ledesma, Sharon Adams, Max Blanchet.

7.         Interim general manager’s report (Richard Pirodsky)
See attached [includes iGM Handout]

8.         Break.

9.         Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman) /
10.        Special order of business: 6-month financial review

Both agenda items were handled as part of extended treasurer’s report. TR1 is report of just-completed fund drive, generated 6/11/14. It shows amount of money pledged versus what has actually been received, i.e., the fulfillment rate, and breaks down totals by purpose, response method, and plan type. Total pledged is $664k, approximately 6% of which goes to KFCF. KPFK pledges are handled differently and are not included in pledge total. Pp. 2-4 show pledges for each program. Figures may reflect special programs or premiums offered. First line is donations for which no program was designated.

TR2 is same report as was given out in April. No more recent report available because no figures from national office and no payroll or related expenses have been entered since February. KPFA’s books are much more current but lack information from national office.

TR3 are notes from LSB’s budget brainstorming sessions in February and March meetings. TR4 is list of speaker events for FY2013 showing cost and revenue. Back page shows cost of recordings. B. Whipperman estimates that CDs and DVDs have generated over $200k and thumb drives $200k in total revenue over 1 year and 9 months.

Estimated budget-to-actual income for period October to March is $1,731,380 income budgeted, not including CPB money, with $1,637,853 actually received. We are $93,527 behind by mid-year. Budgeted revenue for total fiscal year was $3,461,764. We’ll need to make up deficit by September.

11.        PNB report (M. Wilkinson)
Pacifica Foundation is involved in a couple lawsuits filed by Pacifica Directors for Good Governance. Pacifica attorneys filed countersuit, which led to injunction by court and order for Summer Reese to vacate national office. She did. Judge offered preliminary ruling denying effort by PDGG to disqualify Pacifica’s attorney. Pacifica is also being sued by Free Speech Radio News for failure to pay. Finance committee is now running. Every Pacifica committee has met or is scheduled to meet. CFO and staff in national office are preparing for CPB audit beginning June 30. Pacifica’s finances are tenuous. KPFA and KPFK are being asked to help cover payroll at other stations, which reduces what we owe in central services fees.

J. Kobren added that the election committee is working on a possible timeline to hold LSB elections given the already past due date per the bylaws for hiring a national election supervisor (NES) in March or no sooner than 90 days before the opening of candidate nominations. Also, regardless of budgeting, actual money being available to fund the LSB elections is another issue.

12.        Community Advisory Board report (Robin Collins)
See attached.

13.        KFCF report (M. Hernandez)
Last week has seen controversy at KFCF over extension of airtime for program. Program collective resigned en masse and board has lost 2 to 4 members. It is likely Mel Sanders will no longer be on LSB; he may or may not be replaced. Several fundraising events are planned: plant exchanges, entertainment, solar generation. Transmitter has been fully funded through mini-fundraiser. The “Adopt-a-Watt” plan of $5 per watt was effective.

At 3:05, chair C. Travis left meeting. Vice chair R. Teón-Nichols assumed chair.

14.        Old business

A.         Report on racism workshop (S. Morgan)
Well-attended, not a majority of board but better than expected with full participation. She wants to find way to continue work, with focus on systems of oppression affecting individuals and organizations. Expressed concern over continuing inability of board members to be cordial. Wants to look at matrices of analysis that can be used when decisions are made, such as hiring and firing. We need a way to interpret these with attention to racism. Every decision must be sensitive to impact on those “who don’t walk like me.” J. Moore said she would like workshop to discuss language of racism.

15.        New business

A.         Resolution on Morning Mix
Moved (J. Kobren) resolution on Morning Mix (see attached).

Moved (M. Wilkinson) as substitute motion: “The KPFA LSB strongly supports local control of our radio station. The KPFA LSB supports coverage of local regional, national, and international issues. KPFA has a long history of covering Bay Area issues and we urge station management ot continue to find ways to provide quality programming in all of these areas.”

Chair ruled that M. Wilkinson’s motion was not substitute motion. B. White appealed from decision of chair. Chair’s decision was not upheld: 5Y (J. Kobren, J. Moore, S. Morgan, R. Teón-Nichols, D. Welsh); 7N (P. Erkkila, D. Goldmacher, K. Gowen, M. Hernandez, B. Whipperman, B. White, M. Wilkinson); 1A (C. Alderson).

Moved (D. Welsh) to table item to next meeting. Approved without objection.

Adjourned 4:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary

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