Although there are many functions and features available, for the purpose of board operating, we only need to know the basics of these CD players. When you power on the CD player, you will notice that by default, engineering has already set some of the settings.


Playing CDs

  1. If the unit is off, press the POWER button to power it on. 
      • Do not insert a CD when the power is off, doing so may damage the unit. Also, make sure that there is not a CD already inside the unit. When powering on, press the EJECT button to make sure the slot is empty.
  2. Insert a CD into the CD slot. (Hold the edges of the CD without touching the recorded surface.)
  3. Select the track you’d like to play. This can be done by pressing one of the number buttons (1-0) to enter the desired track number. If the track number is two digits, press the buttons in succession (e.g., 1 then 2 for Track 12). Alternatively, you can use the SKIP buttons to cycle through and select a track.
  4. Start playback.
      • Note that playback will not automatically start. These units will begin playback when the PLAY button is pressed OR when the fader is turned on or potted up. Turning the fader off while a track is playing will pause playback, turning the fader back on will resume playback.

The best way to line up a song for playback is to insert the CD and either use the SKIP buttons or the number buttons (1-0) to select your track. Bring the fader up a tiny bit (enough to turn the fader on, but not enough to hear anything) then quickly press the OFF button so that you can bring up the fader to a desired gain without actually playing the song over the air. Bringing the fader up enough for the fader to turn on will cause the CD to start playing, so on the CD player, press the right SKIP button and then the left one to get back to the beginning of your desired track. The track is now cued up and ready to start hot as soon as the fader is turned on.

NOTE: To eject a CD, you must press the STOP button and then press EJECT.


Default Settings

  • You will notice that the time DISPLAY is set to REMAIN. This allows you to see the time remaining on the track being played, meaning that the timer will run backwards towards zero. To display the track’s elapsed time, press the DISPLAY button until nothing is shown on the display. You may change the time display to T.Remain which will show you the entire album’s remaining time (single play mode must be turned off) by pressing the DISPLAY button and selecting T.Remain.
  • You will notice that A.CUE or auto-cue is selected. When auto-cue is on and you select a track to play, any silence at the beginning of the track will be skipped and the player will pause at the instant when a sound signal is first detected. This means that sound can be heard immediately when playback starts.
  • You will notice that the PLAY MODE is set to S or single mode. This means that the CD will stop after a track is finished and will not play the next track automatically. If you want your CD to play continuously, meaning it will play every track back-to-back with no pauses, you will need to toggle PLAY MODE until the S disappears and no other modes are selected (Random or PGM) and disable Auto Ready (A.RDY).
  • You will notice that A.RDY or auto-ready is selected. When this is selected AND single mode is off, your CD will play continuously but will pause after each track. You will have to start the next track manually by pressing PLAY.

NOTE: These are the preferred settings. If you’d like to change a function that is in blue, such as PLAY MODE, you must press the SHIFT button and then press the function button you’d like to change. Once changed, press SHIFT again to disengage change settings mode. If you do change the settings, we ask that you switch them back to their defaults. If you need help or further clarification, please contact someone in engineering.