Talk It Out Radio, Sun, 4/21/19, 7:00 pm: The Power of Sharing Our Stories Across Differences

Host Nancy Kahn holds a timely discussion with guest, Jim Brulé, spiritual storyteller, about the transformative process of bringing together people from different backgrounds to share their personal stories. Jim shares his vast professional experiences in leading groups of individuals and communities from different faiths and backgrounds in storytelling. He highlights the outcomes of this work, which include enhancing meaning, reducing separation, and strengthening relationships.

Listeners are invited to call in to the show at 7:30 pm (dial 1-800-958-9008 or 1-510-848-4425) to participate in this conversation.

Jim Brulé is a Maggid – an ordained Jewish spiritual storyteller and mentor – who has been sparking the transformation of individuals, groups, and communities through the use of stories for many years. He leads an online school for Transformational Storytelling and is particularly excited to work in multi-faith dialogue. Visit to learn more.