0:08 – Brian is back from the UN Climate Action Summit; we discuss impeachment, the escalating political conflict between House Democrats and the White House, potentially implosive conflict inside Fox News covering Trump and impeachment, and more.
0:34 – Oakland resident Doniece joins us to share her personal story of what it’s like to be homeless and stay in a tuff shed.
1:08 – The Boy Scouts of American as a pedophilia problem. Thousands of survivors of sexual abuse are coming forward, to demand justice and an end to the Boy Scout’s willful blindness to pedophilia for decades.
Stewart Eisenberg is a personal injury attorney based in Philadelphia, and with the legal team of Abused in Scouting, an advocacy organization of “over 1200 men united to fight against Scouting abuse.”
1:34 – Gill Gayle is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse as a boy scout, and now a member of Abused In Scouting, an advocacy organization of “over 1200 men united to fight against Scouting abuse.” More info can be found at abusedinscouting.com
1:54 – KPFA News: Wildfires have burned more than 4,000 square miles in Alaska this summer — an area nearly as large as the state of Connecticut. Crews are still fighting two blazes and keeping an eye on more than 140 more that are burning in remote areas. As Nat Herz reports, the big wildfire season came as Alaska experienced record warmth — and scientists say it could lead to long-term shifts in the state’s boreal forest.