
Lessons from Anita Hill on the new allegations of sexual abuse by Kavanaugh; Plus: Exploring California with Obi Kaufmann’s Field Atlas

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0:08 – News and analysis: Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination challenged by history of sexual assault. To understand the significance of these new allegations against Kavanaugh and the nomination process to the Supreme Court, we take a look at the historical precedent: Anita Hill coming forward with her story of sexual harassment by then Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Joining us to discuss is Amy Richards (@heymsamelia) an organizer and co-founder of the Third Wave Foundation, and author of I Still Believe in Anita Hill.

0:34 – Fund Drive Special: Obi Kaufmann (@Obikaufmann) is an artist, naturalist, creator of Coyote and Thunder blog, and author of The California Field Atlas, yours for a pledge of $240.


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