
California lifts unemployment processing freeze – what pitfalls to avoid with your claim; Plus: Newly released records show no discipline of Richmond Police involved in Celeste Guap sex trafficking scandal

0:08 – What the right is telling itself Trump and COVID, also the Republicans’ push to suppress the vote

Adele Stan (@AddieStan) is a columnist for The American Prospect, and editor of RightWingWatch.org a project of People For the American Way. She also shares her experience of having COVID and being a “long hauler,” dealing with long term effects. 

0:34 – EDD lifts unemployment claims freeze – what now?

Daniela Urban is Executive Director of the Center for Workers’ Rights and special counsel to Legal Aid At Work.

1:08 – SB1421 records show Richmond police weren’t disciplined after sex trafficking and sexual misconduct with Celeste Guap.

David DeBolt (@daviddebolt) is a senior breaking news reporter with the Mercury News.

1:35 – New Supreme Court session has started – what’s worrisome?

Marjorie Cohn is a professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and former president of the National Lawyers Guild.