0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch: headline news and analysis on national politics with Mitch Jeserich.
*Today, Monday Oct 22 is the last day to register to vote in California. You can register online at registertovote.ca.gov or at your local election office.
- If you miss the deadline today, you have the opportunity to cast your ballot by completing a “conditional voter registration.”
- The ballots will be processed once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process. Voters can complete the conditional voter registration process from October 23 all the way through Election Day on November 6.
0:34 – Midterm election debate: CA Prop 2 – Millionaire’s Tax Revenue for Homelessness Housing
PRO: Deborah Anderluh (@danderluh) is Communications Director with the Steinberg Institute. Founded by Sacramento Mayor and former state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, the institute is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing sound public policy and inspiring leadership on issues of brain health.
CON: GiGi Crowder is Executive Director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Contra Costa (@NAMIContraCosta). She’s listed on the ballot opposing Prop 2.
0:57 – Theater Review: KPFA’s Richard Wolinsky reviews You Mean to Do Me Harm running now at the San Francisco Playhouse til Saturday November 3rd.
1:08 – Saudi geopolitics and the killing of Khashoggi
Dr. Imad Harb is Director of Research and Analysis at the Arab Center Washington DC (@ArabCenterWDC)
1:34 – Native child welfare and the legacy of adoption
Ben Pender Cudlip (@ben_pc) is co-director of a new documentary, DAWNLAND, which investigates the devastating impact of Maine’s child welfare practices on Native communities. And then goes inside the first truth and reconciliation commission.
Premiere: PBS on Monday November 5
Screening: DAWNLAND screens today Monday Oct 22 at 12 noon at the Smith Rafael Film Center in San Rafael.
1:50 – Attacks on ICWA and Native sovereignty
Matthew L.M. Fletcher is a citizen of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, and a Professor of Law and Director of the Indigenous Law & Policy Center at Michigan State University. He joins us from East Lansing, Michigan to discuss nation-wide attacks on ICWA and the significance for native sovereignty.