0:08 – Tipping Point: We bring you the highlights of the race to the 2018 midterms. In this series, we sort out the facts from the fireworks, try to ask big questions, and profile key players – all in 3 minutes of election news.
0:11 – Jonathan Brater (@JonathanBrater) counsel for the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice and co-author of the new report Purges: A Growing Threat to the Right to Vote. Voter purges are an often-flawed process of cleaning up voter rolls by deleting names from registration lists. Done badly, they can prevent eligible people from casting a ballot that counts. This report examines the growing threat, and outlines steps every state can take to protect voters in November and beyond. This builds on the Brennan Center’s 2008 report, Voter Purges.
0:34 – Midterm Election Debate: Oakland Measure W – Vacancy Tax
PRO: James Vann is the co-founder of Oakland Tenants Union (@TenantsUnionOAK) a volunteer based renters advocacy group.
CON: Wayne Rowland is the Board President of the East Bay Rental Housing Association (@EastBayRHA)
1:08 – D.D. Guttenplan (@ddguttenplan) is an editor at large at The Nation and the author of The Next Republic: The Rise of a New Radical Majority.
KPFA Event: DD Guttenplan will appear tonight, with Michael Lerner at 7:30 PM
Exactly who are the new progressive leaders emerging to lead the post-Trump return to democracy in America? National political correspondent D.D. Guttenplan’s The Next Republic is an extraordinarily intense and wide-ranging history of the recent fall and incipient rise of democracy in America.
St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2727 College Ave in Berkeley. Tickets and info here.
0:34 – Author interview: Jonathan White is a writer, sailor, and conservationist. His latest book is Tides: The Science and Spirit of the Ocean.