0:08 – Midterm Election Debate – CA Prop 12 – Farmed Animal Confinement Requirements
If passed, Prop 12:
- Establishes new minimum space requirements for confining veal calves, breeding pigs, and egg-laying hens.
- Requires egg-laying hens be raised in cage-free environment after December 31, 2021.
- Prohibits certain commercial sales of specified meat and egg products derived from animals confined in noncomplying manner.
- Defines sales violations as unfair competition.
- Creates good faith defense for sellers relying upon written certification by suppliers that meat and egg products comply with new confinement standards.
- Requires State of California to issue implementing regulations.
0:09 – Bill Mattos is the President of the Poultry Federation, and opposes the measure. Then, we host a debate between two progressive stakeholders:
PRO: Chris Holbein is the Public Policy Director for Farm Animal Protection at the Humane Society of the United States.
CON: Lindsay Dadko is a spokesperson for PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
0:34 – Jennifer A. Gargiulo (@JenniandAuggie) is Managing Director of SF Brewfest n’ Vegan Eats. She joins us to discuss vegan culture, nutrition, and benefits, and the upcoming festival in San Francisco this weekend Oct 13-14.
0:45 – Marriott Hotel workers strike reaches one week: Anand Singh (@anandanand) is President, UNITE HERE Local 2- that’s the union representing more than 12,000 workers in the hospitality industries of San Francisco and San Mateo.