
Midterm Election Debate: Should Californians be able to transfer their (low) property taxes when they move? Plus: Reporter Shane Bauer on going undercover in prison

0:08 – Tipping Point: We bring you the highlights of the race to the 2018 midterms. In this series, we sort out the facts from the fireworks, try to ask big questions, and profile key players – all in 3 minutes of election news.

0:11 – National Races to Watch: Steve Phillips (@StevePtweets) is a national political leader, civil-rights lawyer, author of NY Times bestseller Brown Is the New White, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, and the founder of Democracy in Color, an organization dedicated to race, politics, and the New American Majority. His latest pieces for the Nation Magazine are “10 Races that could flip the House” and “How Democrats Fail by Ignoring Candidates Of Color.

0:34 – Midterm Election Debate: CA Prop 5 – Portable Property Taxes

PRO: Gustavo Gonzales, president of the Santa Clara County Association of of Realtors (@SCCAOR) and a spokesman for the Yes on Prop 5 campaign.

CON: Graham Knaus (@knaus_countiesis the Executive Director of the California Association of Counties (CSAC), and speaking on behalf of the No on Prop 5 campaign.

1:08 – Deported parents losing kids to adoption: Martha Mendoza (@mendozamarthais a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist with the Associated Press. Her latest investigation, with Garance Burke, is “Deported Parents Can Lose Kids to Adoption.”

1:34 – 2018 American Incarceration: Shane Bauer (@shane_baueris a senior reporter with Mother Jones. In 2017, he was the winner of National Magazine Awards for best reporting. His latest book is “American Prison: A Reporter’s Undercover Journey into the Business of Punishment.”

Tipping Point: 3 min of election highlights
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