On today’s show:
0:08 – Lori Wallach (@wallachlori), Founder and Director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch joins us to discuss why people are protesting around the globe to demand the WTO waive intellectual property restrictions and speed up production of COVID-19 vaccines and therapies.
0:33 – We discuss the Honduran presidential election with Dana Frank, Professor Emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz, focusing on the United States and Honduras. Her latest book is titled, The Long Honduran Night: Resistance, Terror and the United States in the Aftermath of the Coup.
0:45 – Jaylani Hussein (@Jaylanihussein), Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Minnesota Chapter joins us to discuss the killing of Daunte Wright. Jury selection begins this week in the trial against the former Minnesota Police officer who faces manslaughter charges.
1:08 – Oakland native, Elliott Jones (@mrelliottjones) was recently appointed Program Manager of the City of Oakland’s MACRO Program. He joins us to discuss.
1:33 – Several cannabis businesses have been burglarized in recent weeks. Chaney Turner (@ChaneyTurner), Chair of the City of Oakland Cannabis Regulatory Commission and Amber Center, Executive Director and co-founder of Supernova Women and operator of a cannabis business in Oakland that was just burglarized last weekend join us to discuss.
1:45 – Shanti Singh, Chair of the San Francisco Housing Stability Fund Oversight Board joins us to discuss a $46 million dollar funding proposal by San Francisco Supervisors to acquire affordable housing.