7:08am – Earlier this year Border Patrol arrested a volunteer with humanitarian aid organization No More Deaths. He was arrested for helping immigrants survive the border crossing. During his trail we learned just how intensely Border Patrol has been targeting the organization. Jeff Reinhard joins us. He’s worked with No More Deaths for the last eight years, and shares his story.
7:20am – Wilfred Galila, filmmakers and contributor to a new performance at Bindlestiff studio called Incarcerated 6X9, a multimedia immersive dance experience which tells the story of Filipinos caught in the American prison system.
Incarcerated 6×9 is running at the Bindlestiff Studio in San Francisco May 19-21. Click here for more information.
7:34am – COPLINK is a police database used by local municipalities to house all sorts of data collected by the police. Not only arrests but demographics, where a person hangs out, what school they go to and so on. According to documents obtained by the ACLU of Massachusetts police in cities across the country have given ICE access to COPLINK. And ICE has been using information from COPLINK to deport immigrants. We talk to Kade Crockford from the ACLU and George Joseph (@_george_joseph_)a reporter from In Justice Today about why that’s a problem. His latest piece is “New Documents Reveal How ICE Mines Local Police Database Across the Country.”
(Photo: No More Deaths)