0:08 – Explained: how SFPD raided a journalist’s home, then imploded
Tim Redmond (@timredmondsf) has been a political and investigative reporter in San Francisco for more than 30 years. He is the founder and editor of 48hills.org.
0:34 – The Bureau of Land Management is considering a proposal to lease 1.6 million acres to new oil and gas production in CA
KPFA News: A diverse group of environmental advocates and concerned citizens packed a meeting set up at the Bureau of Land Management in Bakersfield on May 21, 22 and 23, to protest the opening up of more than a million acres of public land in Central California to possible oil extraction. The proposal put forth by Trump Administration is part of the plan to ramp up fossil fuel and fracking on public lands nationwide. There has been a court-imposed moratorium on oil drilling in public lands since 2013. Vic Bedoian reports from Fresno.
Clare Lakewood is a senior attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate Law Institute.
Nayamin Martinez, MPH is the Executive Director of Central California Environmental Justice Network, dedicated to empowering communities eliminating negative environmental impacts in low income and communities of color in the Central Valley, based in Kern County.
1:08 – For the hour, we’re joined by W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) comedian and host of Emmy Award winning CNN docu-series United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell.