
India elections deliver landslide to Modi, critics fear heightened repression against minorities; Plus: Why is the US escalating against Iran?

0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch (now on Tuesday)

0:34 – India Elections deliver landslide to Narendra Modi’s BJP

Ashish Malhotra (@amalhotra2) is an journalist based in New Delhi who’s been covering religious violence and the election.

0:57 – KPFA’s Richard Wolinsky reviews Significant Other, running at SF Playhouse through Saturday June 15th.

1:08 – Why is the US escalating against Iran

Reese Erlich (@ReeseErlich) has been reporting from Iran for 18 years. His new book is The Iran Agenda Today: the Real Story Inside Iran and What’s Wrong with US Policy.

1:34 – Author interview: Michael Dobbs (@michaeldobbs) is an author and former journalist, and is currently on the staff of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. His newest book is The Unwanted: America, Auschwitz and a Village Caught in Between.


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