On this show:
0:08 – As we continue our coverage of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza we speak with Alex Kane, a freelance journalist based in New York about Senator Bernie Sanders’ resolution to block a $735 million weapons sale to Israel. Kane writes on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, with a focus on Israel/Palestine.
0:35 – Lara Kiswani is the Executive Director of AROC (Arab Resource Organizing Center). She joins us to discuss the blockade of Zim Integrated Shipping Services an Israeli shipping line which is attempting to dock at the Port of Oakland.
1:08 – We spend our second hour with Blake Spalding, co-founder of Hell’s Backbone Grille, a Buddhist-principled farm-to-table restaurant in the middle of one of the reddest patches of red state America; in Boulder, Utah. That also puts it at the entrance to the Bear’s Ears / Grand Staircase – Escalante National Monuments. She’s spent the past four years fighting the Trump administration’s rollback of protections for a lot of that land. Since the last time we spoke, we’ve had a change of president, and a pandemic that shut down the restaurant industry. For a contribution of $300 dollars during our Spring Fund Drive, listeners can receive Spalding’s book, co-authored with Jennifer Castle, This Immeasurable Place: Food and Farming from the Edge of Wilderness.