7:08am – Daily news and an update on Fernando Carillo, a San Jose father of three who was detained and recently freed by ICE, and is still fighting deportation.
7:34 – Central American caravan reaches US Border
Monika Langarica is Senior Staff Attorney at the Immigration Justice Project of the American Bar Association and is based in San Diego. She recently visited the caravan of asylum seekers at the US-Mexico border.
7:50 Oakland Mayoral Candidate Interview
Jesse Smith (@OakSmith2018) Oakland resident, activist against police corruption, and candidate for mayor of Oakland. He was active at Occupy Oakland, founded the Local Business Liaison which raised over $10k for Occupy. Since the election, he’s been focused on anti-nazi efforts, especially as pertains to police.
8:08 – T.J. English, journalist and author of eight non-fiction books on organized crime written over nearly three decades. His latest is The Corporation: The Epic Story of the Cuban American Underworld
(AP Photo/Chris Carlson)