0:08 – South Africa is on a “Level 4” of a five-level emergency system, entering one of the world’s strictest lockdowns. Lynsey Chutel is a journalist and television news producer based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and talks about how the country is slowly re-opening. The government also implemented an alcohol ban, Chutel says, both out of concern for domestic violence and also in an effort to keep emergency rooms empty by preventing injuries from accidents and brawls.
0:20 – Senegal has 2,189 Covid-19 cases and 23 deaths, according to numbers from Johns Hopkins University. Amidst grave concerns about the virus spreading on the continent, mass organizing is taking place on the ground to limit the impact of the disease. We hear updates from Coumba Toure of Africans Rising for Peace, Justice and Dignity, a Pan-African advocacy organization for Africans across the diaspora. Toure says an action is planned for May 25, African Liberation Day, under the banner “Rise For Our Lives.”
0:34 – Spotlight on the Oakland Undocumented Relief Fund with Carolina Martin Ramos of Centro Legal de la Raza, in Oakland. Centro Legal is still receiving donations for the fund here.
Photo by Wahenga Youth Group.