0:08 – Looking back on one year in pandemic: how the Bay Area locked down, March 17 2020
Erin Allday (@erinallday) is a health reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle who has been reporting extensively on the coronavirus outbreak in California.
0:23 – The pandemic wealth boom
Omar Ocampo is a researcher for the Program on Inequality and the Common Good, with the Institute on Policy Studies (@IPS_DC).
0:34 – Listener calls: One year later, where are we? How has the pandemic impacted your life?
1:08 – How did local governments do? What’s changed?
Joe Eskenazi (@EskSF) is managing editor and columnist at Mission Local, based in San Francisco.
Ashley McBride (@ashleynmcb) is an education reporter with the Oaklandside
Tim Sheehan (@TimSheehanNews) is a data reporter with the Fresno Bee.
1:34 – What’s come of COVID Mutual aid?
Tur Ha Ak is the founder of Community Ready Corps (CRC) a liberation organization that combats white supremacy and actively builds and supports self-determination.
1:43 – Celeste Gomez is the Oakland Undocumented Relief Fund coordinator, with Centro Legal de la Raza.
1:51 – Brad Erickson is the executive director of the Theater Bay Area, organizing the Performing Arts Workers Relief Fund.