0:08 – Oil price war sparks financial panic
Antonia Juhasz (@AntoniaJuhasz) investigative journalist specializing in oil, currently a Scripps Journalism fellow at the University of Colorado – Boulder. Her most recent book is Black Tide.
0:16 – What to do about a coronavirus recession
Josh Bivens is the Director of Research at the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).
0:34 – San Francisco Supervisor calls for moratorium one evictions due to economic burden of coronavirus
Dean Preston (@DeanPreston) San Francisco supervisor for District 5, and introduced the legislation.
0:40 – How Silicon Valley is responding to the coronavirus crisis
Lauren Hepler (@LAHepler) is a reporter for Protocol, where she reports on jobs and the tech industry.
1:08 – Author Interview: Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) is an award-winning civil rights activist, community organizer, and mother of three. She is the former executive director of the Arab American Association of New York and the co-founder of the first Muslim online organizing platform, MPower Change. Sarsour served as national co-chair of the largest single day protest in US history, the Women’s March on Washington in 2017. Her new book is a memoir: We Are Not Here to Be Bystanders: A Memoir of Love and Resistance.