0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch: Trump’s smear campaign against Mueller; International Sex Workers day was June 2; Angel Ramos’ birthday is today, he was killed by Vallejo PD who are one of the most violent departments in CA, and now under the spotlight to be held in account; the Virginia Beach mass shooting tragedy
0:34 – California Democratic Party Convention debrief
Eight Democratic Party presidential candidates spoke at Saturday’s ‘Big Ideas Forum’ in San Francisco—whose live stream yielded 500,000 viewers from across the country. It was an opportunity to present “One Big Idea” that will drastically change the United States for the better and was a progressive showcase that surfaced new and inspiring ideas that Democrats hope to make political priorities moving forward. KPFA’s James Greene (@iwishiwerebread) reports.
0:43 – Christine Mai-Duc (@cmaiduc) is a political reporter with the LA Times, and covered the CA Democratic Convention this weekend.
0:50 – Jane Kim is a former member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, and served as a delegate to the CA Democratic Convention this weekend.
1:08 – Author interview: Greg Grandin (@GregGrandin) is a prize-winning author and professor of Latin American history at New York University. His latest book is titled The End of the Myth: From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America.