7am – Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) is Senior Legal Analyst for rewire.news and co-host of the Boom! Laywyered. podcast. She joins us in-studio to discuss the latest US Supreme Court cases including NIFLA v Becerra (regulating crisis pregnancy centers) and gerrymandering decisions.
7:34am – Kassie Siegel (@KassieSiegel) is the Director and Senior Counsel of the Climate Law Institute. She joins us to discuss current climate litigation. On Monday a federal district court threw out San Francisco and Oakland’s landmark climate change lawsuits against Big Oil. Also joining us is Supervisor Katherine Sears, with the Third District in Marin County to discuss climate impacts.
8:08 William Gould is a Professor of Law, Emeritus at Stanford University and former chair of the National Labor Relations Board and Steven Pitts, Associate Chair of the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education, join us to discuss the latest US Supreme Court ruling on Janus v AFSCME and how it will impact public sector unions.
8:34 Ashley Dawson (@a_j_dawson) is Professor of English at City University of New York, author of Extreme Cities: the Peril and Promise of Urban Life in the Age of Climate Change.