On this show: KPFA is in its summer fund drive, and we need your support by donating what you can to the station!
0:08 – Mitch Jeserich is back for Mondays with Mitch, our weekly segment talking about D.C. politics. Mitch is the host of Letters and Politics, airing 10AM Pacific Monday-Thursday on KPFA.
0:34 – Dr. John Swartzberg is clinical professor emeritus of infectious diseases at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health. We talk with Dr. Swartzberg about breakthrough infections, how vaccinated people appear to be affected by the virus, and how Covid vaccines stack up against measles vaccines when it comes to offering “sterilizing” versus “functional” immunity.
1:08 – Blake Spalding is co-founder of Hell’s Backbone Grille, a Buddhist-principled farm-to-table restaurant in the middle of one of the reddest patches of red state America — Boulder, Utah. Blake and Jennifer Castle wrote an extraordinary book about their food, served with the backdrop of the Bear’s Ears / Grand Staircase – Escalante national monuments. Brian talks to Blake about the book and how the restaurant has fared during Covid.
We’re offering this book for a one-time pledge of $300 or a monthly pledge of $30 – Blake Spalding and Jennifer Castle, “This Immeasurable Place: Food and Farming from the Edge of Wilderness.”